On Basic Functionality: How to Navigate Through CTU’s Flexible Learning System

Suppose you already have signed up first and then logged in at https://elib.ctu.edu.ph/ using your CTU account [like juan.delacruz@ctu.edu.ph assigned to you by the university’s MIS] click c which stands for virtual CLASSROOM.

It’ll redirect you to CTU’s flexible learning system at https://fls.ctu.edu.ph/#!/ where you click the plus sign in the box.

A pop up window will come into view where you type in or paste your virtual classroom ID from your professor to join the class.

Your virtual classroom should look like this. Course description is on the left and list of lessons to the right. You can either click the lesson itself or the tiny arrow to get to the lesson proper. When orientation is done, you can click on the next entry, Module 1 to be redirected to a new content.

This is the orientation page or page of a new content if you clicked on a lesson/module. Read through the texts and follow the instructions which may require you to click on link/s provided. The arrow will navigate you back to the list of lessons.

If you clicked on Module 1, lesson on Rizal Law is what you are going to see [if you’re enrolled in GEC-LWR] or History’s Definition & Relevance for RPH students. Read through the content, click on the link provided to get full access of the module. Go through the module with integrity and reliability that is following the prescribed order: 1) read through the lesson/s; 2) carry out embedded tasks; before 3) answering subsequent questions or carrying out activities under PRACTICE SECTION.

If you clicked on the first activity, click then on where the arrow is pointing to get access to it.

This is how it looks like after clicking an activity or exercise. Items are partially covered for a purpose.

Since the LMS is new, this virtual class will only be taking advantage of the tabs and arrows dealt with and included in these “how to navigate” instructions.

The Messenger shall replace this virtual classroom’s chat feature where we’re supposed to [sort of] congregate [during our class schedule] to raise your questions and where I answer them, where you can make clarifications and where we can deal with your concerns [among others] after engaging in asynchronous learning. The latter is when you independently access and go through the modules in my website [https://lesleykarenpenera.wordpress.com/], click links for reading assignments and answer exercises or carry out activities at your most convenient time, your own pace within the prescribed time frame until video conferencing can already be arranged for the class.

Screenshots from: https://elib.ctu.edu.ph/ and https://fls.ctu.edu.ph/#!/